Meet Overseer E.Williams
Eddrick Williams was born in Memphis, TN To (mother )Latasha Smith and (Dad) Eric Williams. Eddrick is happily engaged to Shakera Trimble. He is the father of Xaviana Williams and the grandson of Clara Brooks. He is the second oldest of 2 siblings. Eddrick grew up in church all his life. Eddrick Williams was doing ministry all his life even in middle and high school. He soon moved To Nashville, TN in the year 2020 to start a new life. Two years after he moved to Nashville he was a member of the Bride of Christ church where pastor Janet Ridley was and is his spiritual mother. Eddrick soon Got a word from God that it was time to move on, so he came to abundant life ministries preached, and got ordained as a minister and now his elevation in the lord has not yet reached its peak. Eddrick is a spiritual being who is all for kingdom work. He is a dynamic man of God His faith, patience, love, humility, and influence motivate him to respond to the Great Commission given by Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19). He believes that only what he does for Christ will last. Eddrick williams labors in the vineyard for Christ on an ongoing basis. He states that he is a born-again, spirit-fed, and Bible-led evangelistic pastor-preacher who is born of God, engrafted into Christ, and is a habitation of the Holy Spirit.